Monday, May 13, 2013

women's conference

So. Let's talk women's conference.

1. Being in a giant crowd of excited women for two straight days? Kind of terrifying.
2. women+costa vida salads=i'm sure a lot of money
3. Two days of inspiring talks and discussing important life lessons with a good friend? Totally worth our whopping $17 student admission. 

First of all, just pretend like all the pictures I took aren't all the same. Even though they are. Oh well.

So the theme of the conference was D&C 100:12
"Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end."
So obviously we talked a good deal about continuing on and letting our hearts rejoice, and knowing that the Lord is with us until the end, which is all good stuff.

Maybe it was just the classes that I chose, but there were some definite themes going on. One was this idea: Satan wants us to believe that the biggest, most important (not in a good way) part of our lives is our trials. But really, the most important thing is how we respond to our trials. He wants us to focus on what we lack in this life, but really, what matters is whether we allow our feelings about that to interfere with our relationship with God. Trials are just an inevitability. Our ability to deal with them, however, is what is up in the air. I think that by understanding better the purpose of trials--to refine us and make us more like our Father in Heaven and Savior--we can be better equipped to deal with them, in every sense (physically, emotionally, etc.).
Some memorable quotes (okay, they might be more or less paraphrased. whatevs):
-talking about being kind: "not like a bake-a-casserole-for-your-sister kindness, but the let-the-jerk-who-just-cut-you-off-in kindness."
-"you can get through your trials and challenges. But there will be more out there. Relying on God starts over each day."
-"if I must live, I will live fully." Um, might be my new life motto. See also John 10:10.
-embrace and own the lives we are given. Find ways to make our lives useful. 
-we are made perfect through our interaction with our perfect Redeemer--through His grace.
-Satan would have us disparage and abuse our bodies, but "we are our body's inseparable companions.' There's probably something specific to our own body that is necessary for us to learn in this life. 
-speaking of our individual bodies: "God gave me the incubator that would be best for my spirit."
-"God didn't send us down here to fail. He is so confident in our success that He allows 8-year-olds to make covenants. They don't even blow their own noses."
-"You're here. You have a body. You won. You are a warrior, and you can do this."
-"Christ is the rock of our salvation; Satan is the wet cement of our doom."
-"The humble realize that the Lord never cheats anyone. He can't."
-"There is spiritual spittle for every blindness"
-talking about how we complain to Father in Heaven about our trials: "We want a grandfather in Heaven."
-"He allows us to experience things that are difficult and soul-stretching."
-"choose joy"
-"His plan is perfect, and His trials for us are perfectly customized to our strengths and weaknesses."
-"Christ will not fail us."
-"Trials have a way of turning into blessings"--another of the bigger themes I noticed.

We were noticing a color theme going on:

Another theme I heard was that everyone has trials. Some are big, some are smaller. Some last a really long time, and some are shorter. But there's no way to get through life without them. I think back on how wonderful my life has been and just think that I have been so blessed to not have gone through some of the horrible things that some of the presenters have had to endure. However, my life isn't even close to over, so I'm sure there's more in store for me :) I loved this quote so much:

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
-Napoleon Hill.

I just think that is so true. Somehow--I don't understand how--there is always some aspect of a trial that turns into a benefit. I always think of this quote from President Eyring's Oct. 2012 conference talk: "The Lord's delays (or I think you could even say, "trials") often seem long; some last a lifetime. But they are always calculated to bless."

So so so many women... Can we talk about amazing women? Just read this quote from Eliza R. Snow: 
"I will go forward. . . . I will smile at the rage of the tempest, and ride fearlessly and triumphantly across the boiserous ocean of circumstance. . . . And the 'testimony of Jesus' will light up a lamp that will guide my vision through the portals of immortality, and communicate to my understanding the glories of the Celestial kingdom." Um. Talk about a role model.

President Eyring was the speaker for the closing session. He talked about how we can claim the assurance of divine help, and how in D&C 107, the Lord says the words, "my friends." Presideny Eyring said that Father in Heaven watches over those of His friends who take care of His work (Moses 1:39, anyone?), and that He knows both the hearts and the needs of His friends. I love that. It's nice to think of ourselves not just as His children, but also as His friends.

So, yeah. There's some of what I took away from women's conference. Overall, it was really amazing. This is definitely something I want to start a tradition of, so let me know who's with me for next year!


Linnea said...

Sounds awesome, thanks for sharing all of the quotes.

Lisa said...

I want to come!