Wednesday, February 15, 2012

If it comes down to it...

Do you think this will work? Because I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to get this job.
Oh, I've also toyed around with the idea of just saying that the Spirit told me to apply for this job, and how could they go against that? (It's BYU; it could work, right?)

Well anyway. This guy in my French class today sang a song and played his guitar for his oral presentation on a French poet. I braced myself for some lame ballad, but it was actually pretty funny. I told him so after the other French class that we have together (okay, at this point in the story, I need you to keep in mind that he is maybe like 32 and married), and he responded by saying that I have the best laugh in the whole world (his exact words). I never know how to respond to that. ". . . thanks? I, uh . . . inherited it from . . . actually my parents don't laugh very much. . . . I like funny?" I'm awkward. But I guess it's a nice thing to say anyway.

And then I had an interview today for my France internship, and the professor was telling me all the great things that Madame T. wrote about me in her letter of recommendation. So. Maybe that was the Lord trying to inspire some confidence in me today. It might have worked a little bit. At least I know that Madame thinks that I'm superior, even if my potential employer doesn't (. . . or maybe Madame IS my future employer! haha. This would be funny if you got it. Because if I don't get this job that I'm interviewing for tomorrow, then I will be applying for a different job, the hiring of which Madame has a significant amount of input on.).

Anyway. Wish me luck. And pray for me as I'm starting my interview tomorrow morning at 10:45.

P.S. At work today we played Apples to Apples, and I put in the card "silly putty" for "sensual" and thought that it was the funniest thing ever. No one else thought so.


Megan K Leavitt said...

Mindy! I feel the same way about the job I applied for- I keep thinking that they have to go by the Spirit cause it's BYU-I right? I guess we will both have to wait and see. Good luck!

Lisa said...

Oh Mindy! Good Luck today (not yesterday...) And I think the whole 'The spirit told me to apply' would work. Or maybe you could just laugh your way through the whole interview and they'd like it so much hire you on the spot!

harmony april said...

Good luck tomorrow! And if it makes you feel any better I think silly putty is very sensual ;)

Lauren said...

I love that I can read your personality through your words & I love you! & I'm so glad that we have editing together even though we're not doing Lu'au together. & I would have to agree with your classmate, you have a great laugh. it makes me happy & wakes me up in a good way. :]