Friday, December 14, 2012

Gotta love...

the Festival of Trees!!
We go every year, and have since as long as I remember. When we were little, my dad built playhouses for the Festival every year, so we would always go to check out dad's playhouse. Is it just me, or do they not do playhouses anymore? Maybe I just don't notice anymore. The only problem with the Festival anymore is that it's so huge, and unless you get a giant cinnamon roll halfway through to get you through it (which I can't... so obviously that didn't happen), it's a challenge to make it to the end. Another thing is that it can kind of make you sad if you think about it too much, because these trees are done in memory of someone who has died... So apart from those two things, you really gotta love it. I mean, where else can you go and walk around for hours looking at decorated trees and gingerbread houses? 

Especially in Utah. There were TWO gingerbread temples. Loved it. I must've taken the picture of the Provo Tabernacle temple with Lisa's camera...

Love this bumbo baby.
We love the Festival of Trees!
And she loves grandpa!

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