Tuesday, May 22, 2012

strolling around Georgetown

So by this point I'm a bit downtown DC-ed out, so I spent the rainy afternoon yesterday up in Georgetown. And it was a good choice. I loved everything about that little town--the old buildings, the row houses, the green everywhere. It was lovely.
 The C&O canal
 The famous Georgetown Cupcake. I just wasn't feeling a cupcake, so pretend that I really got one. Maybe next time...
 There's a nice park in memory of Francis Scott Key, near where his house used to be and where the idea of the Star Spangled Banner (originally a poem entitled "Defense of Fort McHenry") began.
 I walked around the campus of Georgetown University, which is the oldest Catholic university in the country. It's beautiful.

All the adorable houses. I'm obsessed!

Oh, did I mention how I had lunch at this French restaurant? It was SO good. And instead of a cupcake, I got a chocolate almond croissant. Made me happy.

 "The Old Stone House" is one of the only pre-revolutionary houses left in the entire DC area. 

 Yes, I also got a macaroon to eat later. I can't help it, I'm just a sucker for all things French.
 I wanted to go walk around these gardens surrounding a museum up the street a little ways, but wouldn't you know it, it's closed on Mondays. Oh well. It was still a nice area anyway.

 Georgetown, I'm a fan.