Today, we went to L’isle de Gorée. This is the famous place where millions of Africans were shipped out as slaves. Here, there is a museum dedicated to that, but surprisingly enough for us, the thing that seemed the most important was the little shops everywhere. The venders were more than a little emphatic trying to get us to come look at their stuff and buy something. We came away with a greater appreciation for what we have and the circumstances we live in, a bit sunbured, a little tired, and loaded with jewelry.

L’isle de Gorée

The bay where the boats come in

Chloe and I on the dock

Our tour guide showing us around La Maison des Esclaves (the Slave House)

This is the room where they held the men. Our guide was saying that they only let them out every so often to go to the bathroom, so you can imagine the conditions. They would hold about 15 men in here.

This little slit is in the room where they kept the children. Hardly any clothes, they slept on the floor, "crammed in like sardines in a can," as our tour guide described it. Hard to imagine people so heartless as to do that to children. The children's room was for ages 7-17, younger than that were killed.

The door of no return. The last thing that these people ever saw of Africa before being shipped off as slaves.

Some pictures of the architecture and cool things around the island:

They can make art out of anything!

Chelsey and I with a beautiful view of the ocean behind us

Madame Thompson talking about slavery and the impact it had on l'Afrique

Sitting on a natte for our class! :) Takes me back...

At lunch we were serenaded by this man playing the Senegalaise guitar who was making up songs to go along with our names. Chloe told him her name was Bertha, because "nothing rhymes with Chloe." Haha!

Lisa, I bought you a cute bracelet from this woman... I hope you'll like it!

Chloe, Miles, Me, Ryan, Stephanie, James, Melanie and Britt

Au revoir, Gorée

Afterwards, we all went and got ice cream. Yes, again. I got hazelnut/chocolate. And though it was a bit embarrassing to have the same guy serve us twice in two days, we're probably going back tomorrow. Obsessed. "Amoureuse"

It looks like you are having fun, and I enjoyed reading about it and seeing your pictures!! I can't believe your friend ate that fish head thing.
Mindy! I am teaching a book that deals with slavery right now and we just discussed a ton of that stuff you are seeing. I am going to use your pictures in class tomorrow. The kids love it when I can put pictures to the words. So cool! I love reading about your trip. Have fun!
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