Alright, as promised, here are the pictures of our boubous! We all wore them for church on Sunday and then we rounded everyone up for pictures. What do you think?
This is my little friend that would come hold my hand every day that we came.
So, yeah. That was Sunday night. Since then, we have just been studying our little brains out. Yesterday we woke up early to study, had a review session for a test, and then we studied some more before the test that took me three hours. After the test, we kept on studying the material for today's test. We went to bed at like 12:30 after studying all night, I woke up at 6 to study some more, and then we started the test at 9:30. At 1:45, I finished. And yes, I was the last one. In fact, it was funny because Chelsey and I were the last ones done, so we think that's a sign that we were meant to be roommates. But afterwards my brain was pretty much fried. I felt like on Harry Potter when Dumbledore drains all his thoughts out of his head... all of my thoughts are now on several pieces of paper in Madame Thompson's room. There's nothing left. We are dreading the final!!
So then Chelsey and I went for a little walk around town to try and get our souls back. We were going to walk to the very north end of the island, but we got distracted. We found an even cooler jeweler (bad timing, since I went and got rings for everyone at the other place on the way over). Oh well. I got another ring. You might be jealous, Lisa. Sorry! I probably should just get a ton and have you all pay me back... but alas. Too little time...
We are leaving tomorrow morning at FIVE AM. What the heck. And we are hoping that the bus ride will only take us the twelve out of the seven hours that it's supposed to be (yes, you read that right. Welcome to Africa). We are headed over to the east side of Senegal, to spend a day in some national park (mini safari? yes.), and then on to Kedougou, which is supposedly super hot. Whoopy. We are very excited! Pray for me that I don't go crazy on the bus ride and that the sickies don't get the rest of us sick!