"My brethren, all ye that have assembled yourselves together, you that can hear my words which I shall speak unto you this day; for I have not commanded you to come up hither to trifle with the words which I shall speak, but that you should hearken unto me, and open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view." -Mosiah 2:9

It never disappoints! Not only was conference wonderful and full of inspired things that I needed to hear, but I got to watch a session of it with my dear friends, the Mautz'. They are such great examples to me, and to all of the missionaries who were privileged to serve with them.
"The greatest joy we receive in this life is following the Savior." -Elder L. Tom Perry

"Our faith now becomes part of our posterity's faith later." -Elder Russell M. Nelson
"Let us strive to be among those whom the Lord can rely on to hear His whisperings and respond." -President Uchtdorf
"You will receive every promised blessing for which you are worthy." -Elder Richard G. Scott
Oh, and OF COURSE, can't forget the part where President Monson talked about President Mou-Tham in New Caledonia!! What a wonderful example of faith-- I love that guy, and all the members in New Caledonia. A great lesson about sacrificing to go to the temple. So glad that President Monson put them on the map! :)
The members from New Caledonia at the temple in New Zealand with Elder Anderson (with President Mou-Tham to his left)
Anyways, great messages from a great General Conference weekend. I think that's enough to work on for at least the next six months...
Oh, and OF COURSE, can't forget the part where President Monson talked about President Mou-Tham in New Caledonia!! What a wonderful example of faith-- I love that guy, and all the members in New Caledonia. A great lesson about sacrificing to go to the temple. So glad that President Monson put them on the map! :)
The members from New Caledonia at the temple in New Zealand with Elder Anderson (with President Mou-Tham to his left)

Agreed. I'm off to finish the first session on Saturday since that's the one I missed. And thank you, Mindy. You have been just the example of finding joy in the gospel that I have so needed of late. I love you!
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