Is just the funniest guy ever.
Megan is so great and got us all tickets to Brian Regan for Christmas.
How great is she.
We started off the night with much debate, but finally ended up at the second best Mexican restaurant in SL, the blue Iguana. Sorry, Red Iguana, have to catch you next time.
Does this picture look like it was cut in half? picture frame + Megan's hair did that, I guess.

I'm pretty sure I could eat chicken fajitas for every meal, every day. And thank goodness for my newfound love of sour cream and guacamole.

Our seats were up on the balcony, dead center.

So. Yeah. We laughed really hard. I especially liked the marching band jokes, the dancing jokes, and him saying, "I don't want to be here!!!!" about being at social gatherings. He totally gets us.
I think we'll be there the next time he comes into town.